What is Going On?

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

An Open Letter to Barack Obama:

An organization is attempting to publish a full page add in the USA Today a letter requesting documents regarding President-Elect Obama's birth records to validate his eligibility to hold the office of president.  The letter outlines a Constitutional crisis that would occur if he was sworn in as a poseur:

  • Neither the Electoral College on December 15, nor the House of Representatives on January 6 would be able to elect you, except as a poseur - a usurper;
  • As a usurper, you would be unable to take the required “Oath or Affirmation” of office on January 20 without committing the crime of perjury or false swearing, for being ineligible for the Office of the President you cannot faithfully execute the Office of the President of the United States;
  •  Your every act in the usurped Office of the President would be a criminal offense as an act under color of law that would subject the People to the deprivation of their constitutional rights, and entitling you to no obedience whatsoever from the People;
  • as a usurper acting in the guise of the President you could not function as the Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy and of the militia of the several states, as such forces would be under no legal obligation to remain obedient to you;
  • No one in any civilian agency in the Executive Branch would be required to obey any of your proclamations, executive orders or directives, as such orders would be legally VOID;
  • Your appointment of Ambassadors and Judges to the Supreme Court would be VOID ab initio (i.e., from the beginning), no matter what subsequent actions the Senate might take as well as rendering any such acts by such appointed officials void as well;
  • Congress would not be able to pass any new laws because they would not be able to acquire the signature of a bona fide President, rendering all such legislation legally VOID;
  • As a usurper, Congress would be unable to remove you from the Office of the President on Impeachment, inviting certain political chaos including a potential for armed conflicts within the General Government or among the States and the People to effect the removal of such a usurper.

Here is the link for the full letter.  They are seeking donations to help them publish the letter.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

What Prop 8 is Really About

Back in late May of this year, after the California Supreme Court had deemed unconstitutional the ban on gay marriage, the LA Times issued an editorial stating that public officials who are morally opposed to gay marriage should not be allowed to opt out of performing those marriage. After all they are paid to perform marriages. They state, “Gay and lesbian couples should not be subjected to embarrassing scenes in which county workers scurry around looking for someone willing to declare them married. ” On the other hand, do we not have any regard for the feelings of the officiators? Why can’t the tolerance road be traveled both ways? Why are the opponents of gay marriage the only ones required to be tolerant?

I think back to when I was stationed on the US submarine USS Michigan while it was being overhauled and refueled in the shipyard in Washington state. My watch rotation had me standing 24-hour duty every 3 or 4 days. Naturally some of those days would fall on Sunday. However, I made it clear that I would be happy to stand duty on Saturday instead so that I could spend Sunday with my family and attending to my church duties. In other words, I was seeking obey God’s commandment to honor the Sabbath day. Was I paid to stand duty on Sunday? Yes. Were there plenty of others that had no objection to swapping a Saturday for a Sunday? Yes. So the needs of the ship were being met, and I was allowed to observe my religious beliefs.

I wrote an article about this topic back in June which outlined some of the significant issues with same-sex marriage. It is ever more timely today than it was then.

Do the majority of Prop 8 supporters want Catholic Charities to be forced to close down their adoption services because they will not allow same-sex couples adopt from them? Is this tolerance of one’s religious views?

Do these supporters really want Methodist organizations in New Jersey to lose their tax-exempt status for not allowing a lesbian couple to use their facilities for a civil union ceremony? What control does this group have over their own destiny? Do we really want this?

Do we want Mennonites to be forced to teach their children about the gay lifestyle - even if that lifestyle is against their beliefs?

Do we want to legally require all doctors to perform artificial insemination on anyone who requests it? Is this the goal of all 47.5% of those who voted in favor of Prop 8?

To quote the article I referenced in my previous article:

“Perhaps you think people have a natural civil right to marry the person of their choosing. But can you really force yourself to believe that wedding photography is a civil right?

Maybe you believe that same-sex couples are entitled to have children, somehow. But is any doctor they might encounter required to inseminate them?”

Lastly, are we hearing about an outcry in Florida or Arizona where similar votes passed? I haven’t heard of anything. I suppose gays and lesbians in those states are as disappointed as those in California - and even in Utah.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Pray to End Abortion

I had the joy of participating in a prayer vigil last Sunday night outside the local abortion clinic here in Louisville with maybe 100 other people. We were all taking a stand for the unborn who are in danger and also for those women who have had abortions and need and want forgiveness from the Savior. The group that organized it is called "40 Days for Life." Here is the press release for the nationwide push over the last month and a half:

Contact: Amber Dolle, 40 Days for Life, 804-852-2979

WASHINGTON, Nov. 5 /Christian Newswire/ -- "With the defeat of pro-life ballot initiatives in Colorado and South Dakota, the election of an ardent abortion advocate for president, and an increase in the number of abortion proponents in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, some pro-lifers may feel a sense of despair today," said David Bereit, national campaign director of 40 Days for Life. "However, we have every reason to be optimistic about the profound pro-life shift that is beginning to take place below the radar."

From September 24 through November 2, intensive 40 Days for Life campaigns were conducted in more than 175 communities in 47 states, the District of Columbia, American Samoa and two Canadian provinces. For 40 days, people of faith and conscience prayed, fasted, held peaceful vigils outside abortion facilities, and conducted grassroots pro-life outreach. Tens of thousands of people participated in this history-making initiative.

"The facts speak for themselves," said Bereit. "More than 540 times during this fall's campaign, women who were arriving for abortions changed their minds and decided to keep their babies as a direct result of the 40 Days for Life volunteers praying outside the abortion center. We are also aware of a number of clinic employees who experienced a change of heart and quit the abortion business due to this effective pro-life outreach, and many abortion centers cut back hours or closed for entire days during 40 Days for Life."

Bereit said the life-saving impact of this effort cannot be attributed to any elected leader or law. "It was the result of people putting their faith into action right where they live," he said. "We have now heard from people all across North America that the conclusion of 40 Days for Life was not an end, but merely a new beginning for ongoing local pro-life efforts that will continue to save lives regardless of who holds elective office. We look forward with great anticipation to the next national 40 Days for Life campaign." That campaign is scheduled to begin February 25.

"The winning presidential candidate ran on a nebulous platform of 'change,' but 40 Days for Life provides something far more powerful - hope. Hope demonstrates that, with God's help, hundreds of lives can be spared from death by abortion. This fall, a political battle was lost," said Bereit, "but hundreds of lives were won. I am convinced that those victories will have far greater impact."

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Election Results and New Hampshire

I am very excited for the results of this election. Either way all of the speculation for who the next president will be will end - barring a replay of 2000.

Despite the polls, I keep thinking about New Hampshire. After his win in Iowa, Senator Obama enjoyed a comfortable lead in the polls. Then, out of the blue, Hillary won. The polls were worried that they had lost their credibility. We started hearing "Come-back Kid" again.

Will the polls be proved wrong again? Only a short time until we know for sure.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Why Doesn't Anyone Care That Obama Isn't Keeping His Promise?

Looking back only to March 1st of this year, Obama apparently didn't think the election finance system was broken because he agreed to accept public financing if Senator McCain did. Read the New York Times article for proof. Here are some excerpts:
But there is a chance that the obituaries for the public system may be premature. On Thursday, a spokesman for Mr. McCain said that he would take up Mr. Obama on a proposal for an accord between the two major party nominees to rely just on public financing for the general election.

Such a pact would eliminate any financial edge one candidate might have and limit each campaign to $85 million for the general election. The two candidates would have to return any private donations that they had raised for that period.

Mr. Obama laid out his proposal last month to the Federal Election Commission, seeking an opinion on its legality. The commissioners formally approved it on Thursday.

The manager of Mr. McCain’s campaign, Terry Nelson, said he welcomed the decision.

“Should John McCain win the Republican nomination, we will agree to accept public financing in the general election, if the Democratic nominee agrees to do the same,” Mr. Nelson said.

A spokesman for Mr. Obama, Bill Burton, said, “We hope that each of the Republican candidates pledges to do the same.”

Mr. Burton added that if nominated Mr. Obama would “aggressively pursue an agreement” with whoever was his opponent.

I am afraid the Illinois Senator is not trustworthy and will change from his promises when it suits him most. Shouldn't we all be concerned about that?

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Is Barack Obama Eligible to Become President?

You may have heard of the case against Barrack Obama concerning his eligibility.  Here is a professional video explaining the case against Obama:

Why doesn't the Democratic National Convention do something about this?  Shouldn't there be irrefutable evidence presented?  No, www.factcheck.org is not the most objective judge in this instance when you remember that the Senator sat on the board of the Annenberg Foundation - who runs this website - for several years.   What about those of you that donated your hard-earned cash to his campaign?  Aren't you interested in knowing the truth?  His grandmother thinks he was born in Kenya.  He thinks he was born in one hospital in Hawaii, but his sister thinks it was the other one. Are we sure he didn't give up his American citizenship to attend school in Indonesia?  If he has nothing to hide, why isn't this clear?  What do his college records say?  Did he tell Occidental College that he was Indonesian?  It is a pity that there is any doubt at this stage of the campaign.